URBANIZED Partners’ Delight at Tangible Progress During Latest General Assembly
URBANIZED Partners’ Delight at Tangible Progress During Latest General Assembly

Last week, URBANIZED partners travelled from various countries across Europe to convene in Brussels for the sixth project General Assembly.
The rainy Brussels weather could not dampen the spirits of the consortium, who acknowledged the continued progression of the project and celebrated the presence of a very special guest; ASTRID, the URBANIZED vehicle prototype.
The GA was organised off the back of URBANIZED attendance at the Road Traffic Research (RTR) conference, also held in Brussels. During this event, Salvador Ruiz and Victor Desmots (IDIADA) presented the project and provided opportunities for attendees, organisers, and local policymakers to experience the vehicle prototype for the first time. Impressions of the vehicle were overwhelmingly positive, with witnesses captivated by the innovations visible in front of them. Congratulations and thanks must go to Salvador and Victor for their presentation and for the exposure they gave the project.

The following day started early at the campus of VUB, with the URBANIZED consortium inviting a video crew to film the vehicle. The video will showcase the vehicle’s sleek features, various innovative aspects and highlight the collaboration between partners that has made this project possible. Featuring insights from Salvador Ruiz and Lamberto Salvan, we look forward to sharing the final result in the near future!

The General Assembly commenced with a welcome and coffee provided by VUB, allowing the partners an opportunity to catch up, discuss the weather and look ahead to the remaining months of the project. Eleni Chalkia, CERTH then took the stage to deliver an URBANIZED training workshop with support from Alké.
The training incorporated online modules related to the eco functions of the vehicle, and attendees, both in-person and online were able to enjoy a demonstration of the vehicle and its various innovations. The training workshop concluded with a review and discussion between partners. Many thanks to Eleni for delivering an insightful and detailed session.
With the day drawing to a close, WP1 leaders IDIADA presented updates and activities from WP1, related on project management. With the conclusion of the project on the horizon, it is vital that partners are aligned on the action plan for the coming months, and IDIADA are continuing to ensure that progress is made and deliverables are met.
In the evening, the consortium came together over a brilliant meal in a local restaurant organised by VUB. Partners were able to share stories, compare cultural traditions from the 6 different countries they represent and discuss the project in an informal setting.
In the evening, the consortium came together over a brilliant meal in a local restaurant organised by VUB. Partners were able to share stories, compare cultural traditions from the 6 different countries they represent and discuss the project in an informal setting.

Day 2 saw a change of location, as partners gathered at the offices of CLEPA. After taking the opportunity to enjoy a coffee together, IDIADA introduced the agenda for the day before the Secretary General of CLEPA Benjamin Krieger welcomed the consortium and presented the strategic priorities of CLEPEA, providing partners with an overview of the organisation and an insight into the work they carry out.
Progressing with the agenda, Alké took the opportunity to present WP5 activities and progress, centred around the prototyping and component testing and vehicle integration. Partners discussed the various features of the prototype and looked ahead to the next steps of the WP. Alké provided details of another URBANIZED vehicle prototype currently under construction and gave partners a detailed explanation of the process carried out to create the ASTRID prototype presented in Brussels.
Then, WP6 was presented by IDIADA. This work package concerns the validation, testing, and scaling up of the prototype to fleet level. Carles Vidal provided an insight into the activities recently undertaken by IDIADA including important crash test data and overall safety evaluations of the vehicle, while Mario Perez looked ahead to upcoming WP6 activities. Didac Sabria then guided partners through the vehicle integration and performance aspects, before Zisis Maleas reflected on demonstrations carried out in relevant environments, including the trial with Bpost.
WP7 was next, where Zisis Maleas (CERTH) and Paola Rodríguez (Bax & Company) gave an insight into the evaluation and impact assessment of the project. WP7 is structured into 4 different complementary activities, from data analytics and fleet management optimisation for impact assessment (T7.1) to the provision of standards (T7.2) and policy recommendations and measures for effective SUMP/SULP integration (T7.3), as well as knowledge transfer and replicability (T7.4). This WP supports the alignment of parallel developments in the different specific missions defined within the 2 main use cases, as well as the assessment of replicability and potential transfer of key outputs developed at the vehicle level (eAxleDrive, body swap, and modular cargo body systems) towards large-scale production by other OEMs that have confirmed interest.
The final WP to be delivered was WP8, concentrated on dissemination, training, and exploitation of the project. Harry Dobbs (Bax & Company) took the floor, looking ahead to events, activities, and webinars planned for the final months of the project. The partners also engaged in a collaborative discussion on the final event, with details to be shared with wider project stakeholders in the coming weeks. This discussion allowed the consortium to share their wishes for the final event and how it should be positioned within the wider sphere of sustainable urban logistics. Eleni Chalkia (CERTH) followed up on the training workshops delivered the previous day while providing more details on upcoming URBANIZED webinars.
Following a quick financial overview delivered by VUB, there was time for a quick group photo and some lunch provided by CLEPA before partner departed to airports, train stations and motorways to head for home.
Overall, the URBANIZED consortium enjoyed a productive time in Brussels. The presence of the ASTRID vehicle prototype added an exciting aspect to the meeting, as after years of concept development and collaboration, the partners were able to see and interact directly with the vehicle. The vehicle will now complete a trial month with BPost trial in Brussels, while partners will continue to collaborate as the project moves towards completion.

Thanks to all partners for their attendance and input during the meetings, with special thanks to VUB, CLEPA and IDIADA for the organisation and accommodation of the sixth URBANIZED GA.
As the project enters the final months, make sure you stay up to date with all developments and events by signing up to the URBANIZED newsletter and mailing list.