Modular and Flexible Solutions for Urban-Sized Zero-Emissions Last-Mile Delivery and Services Vehicles
Future proofing cities with sustainable last-mile delivery by solving the trade-offs between “one size fits all” and “design for purpose” in the design of adaptable and modular all-electric Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs).
Welcome to URBANIZED
Sustainable last-mile delivery is growing rapidly, making the management of logistics flows in urban areas a more complex process. With higher demand for flexibility in new solutions to optimise overall transport capacity, reduce operational costs, and limit negative impacts such as health and safety, logistics operators shouldn’t have to choose between “one size fits all” and “design for purpose”.
URBANIZED confronts the challenges of balancing trade-offs in urban freight transport (UFT) services. Our multi-disciplinary consortium of 9 partners from 6 EU countries involves all relevant actors from the value chain, from academic, to industrial (TIER1, OEMs) and logistics operators, so our solutions can drive the sustainable urban transition by making zero-emissions vehicles the best option for everyone.
facts about URBANIZED




EU Contribution
Urban freight transport (UFT) is integral to keeping urban life moving – if UFT stops, our cities stop. The URBANIZED observatory tracks and analyses trends shaping the future of urban logistics and commercial vehicles, providing stakeholders in the UFT value chain with the insights needed to support their decision-making.
The consortium
URBANIZED partners gather in Brussels for Final Event
On Wednesday 26th June, 2024, the URBANIZED consortium was joined by guests from across the European urban logistics landscape, including …
URBANIZED announces details of final event!
The URBANIZED consortium is delighted to share details of the final event, organised to celebrate the success and collaboration of …